
Kayssoun is an exclusively online business, and unfortunately does not have a physical store from which to purchase perfumes.

In order to have a sample of one of our perfumes, you must first place an order with a perfume(s) that you already like, then specify in the “Order Notes” field the perfume(s) that you you would like to have as sample.

Some perfumes will only react to heat, and will not be detectable in a cold environment, so some perfumes will not be smelled in particularly cold places.

Other fragrances change gradually over time, and may have a weaker odor when first applied.

You can change the language of the newsletter by unsubscribing from the newsletter to which you are currently subscribed (via the confirmation email, an “Unsubscribe” button is located at the bottom of the email), then access the page “My email preferences” and check the newsletter for your corresponding language then save the changes.

We have a dedicated email address if you encounter any problems with the website, please email us at: feedback@kayssoun.com

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The commands are located in your dashboard, in the section "Orders

Your orders, available on the page “Orders“, have a “View” button in order to know its content as well as its current state.

When an order is shipped, a “Track” button appears on the page "Orders“, this button will redirect you to the site of LaPoste in order to be able to follow the delivery of your order in real time.

Still have a question?

Contact us for more information.